I became a bit tired of the old look and wanted something a little brighter. When I went to look at the Blogger templates I found that the fine folks at Google changed some of the underpinnings of their system. If I wanted to use one of their new templates and the new features that came with it I had to “upgrade.” The upgrade was not that easy. I had first created a private version of the blog to test what I wanted. Unfortunately, the fine folks at Google did not give me a way to cop my work to this blog. I had to re-enter everything manually. So much for technology!
Speaking of technology, the new background shows my hobby combined with technology. That picture was taken a five years ago after purchasing a 17-inch Apple Powerbook G4. The coins sitting next to to the notebook are Walking Liberty Half Dollars that I was reselling online. I still use that Powerbook because the drivers for my scanner do not work on my 27-inch iMac!
Behind the scenes, it will be easier for me to manage the blog and make minor changes as the mood strikes.
I hope you like the new look!