Earlier this month, the ANA announced that the World’s Fair of Money will be held as scheduled. As part of the announcement, the ANA said that the show would be limited to 300 dealer tables to configured the bourse floor to allow for social distancing. Those attending the show will be asked to maintain social distancing, and masks will be required.
There are no indications as to whether there will be capacity or other limits. Other questions include how are they handling exhibits, room configuration for meetings and talks, and seating for the auctions? How will the banquet be handled?
I am not questioning the ANA’s commitment to health and safety. But I have personal concerns there. There are members with age-related health issues that have to consider their situation before attending. It would be nice if the ANA were more forthcoming about how the World’s Fair of Money will operate.
As we know of the situation today…
Are you attending the World's Fair of Money in August?
Total Voters: 24

I am talking a quick trip to satisfy my curiosity. I have had.two Pfizer Covid shots so I am not concerned.
I wouldn’t take a long trip to this show. It’s only 300 tables and, as usual, the auctions are available on the internet.
One more thing. As usual, the ANA is overcharging for hotel rooms. Prices are much better ar various places on the internet for hotel rooms within a half mile of the show. The ANA makes it seem like people are getting a great deal and it isn’t.
The ANA will never have a show here in NJ, but, if they did, I would complain to state consumer affairs.
Why should the WFM have capacity limits when the stores haven’t had them in several months?
Also, if people have health related concerns, they should speak with their doctor.
Some jurisdictions are continuing capacity limits for indoor venues. Given the status of how Illinois (does not) work, I am expecting capacity limits for Rosemont.
Some jurisdictions, yes. Not sensible ones. Now, how sensible is Rosemont, Illinois? I’m not impressed by the Chicago area.
The serious part of the pandemic is over. Every news report says the two mRNA vaccines are hugely effect against ALL varieties. The J&J? Meh, maybe not so much. There’s only one path to getting back to normal: stop screwing around and do it! Get back to normal.
To all
I had a thought this morning. I have had two Pfizer Covid shots. Where will my health be in greater jeopardy? At the ANA WFM or driving a car? I might send an email to Steve Ellsworth and tell him.
The restrictions on the WFM will be put on by Rosemont or the state of Illinois. I think the ANA is willing to do anything within the regulations.
Allow me to answer your question, Bob. You are ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE more at risk from driving in. I am flying out of Huntsville, AL on a small Enbraer regional jet with one seat on the left of the aisle, and two on the right. Then one stop on the CTA Blue Line and I’m there. 7 days for me.
I am flying in from Newark Airport here in NJ. I was comparing where my health and safety is at greater risk? At the WFM (and I am also going to the Summer FUN show) or driving a car on average day? Actually, I have an hour’s drive to get to Newark Airport. The obvious answer is I will be at far less risk at the show than driving a car.
I don’t know what driving is like where you are, but the roads are crowded and people are often driving badly.