For every show the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing attends, they create special intaglio prints from the original dies in their vaults. BEP selects vignettes significant to the location and the image of one vintage note. For the 2007 ANA National Money Show held in Charlotte, the BEP created a plate that printed cards with the North Carolina State Shield in the upper left (from Miscellaneous Die #2458); portrait of James K. Polk (Miscellaneous Die #2524) 11th President of the United States Born in Mecklenberg County, North Carolina Engraved by L. J. Hatch; and the back of a $5 United States Note Series 1880 (Miscellaneous Die #2981).
James Knox Polk, was born on November 2, 1795, in an area of Mecklenburg County that is part of Pineville today. Pineville is a bustling suburb of to the southwest of Charlotte. Polk is the only former Speaker of the House to become President and was governor of Tennessee at the time of his election in 1844.
BEP offered this print for $20 at the show. Today, you can purchase it from the BEP online store for $22.50. The one pictured here was purchased at the show then taken to the USPS booth where I purchased a 39-cent stamp and was postmarked with a special stamp made for the show. Having it postmarked on the first day of issue is nice.
BEP was offering a limited edition of 100 intaglio prints made at the show that was autographed by the printer on site. In order to win, you had to write you name on a piece of paper and put it in a bowl. When they drew the names, you had to be there to claim the print. After watching the demonstration and listening to the discussions, I put my name into the bowl and waited for the 4pm drawing. After 16 were claimed and many were disqualified for not being present, my name was picked from the bowl. This gave me the ability to purchase print number 37.
Included with both prints is a card explaining the images on the intaglio print and the limited edition intaglio print included a card from the printer.
Click on the images to enlarge.