I received a few notes from readers asking why I have not commented on the US Mint’s recent failures. I have a feeling that they were prompted to ask after reading this post at the Mint News Blog and Susan Headley’s story about the Mint’s computer issues. The short answer is that I have said all I can say about the Mint.
After writing about the Mint’s pricing policy with the Ultra High Relief Double Eagles, a commenter criticized me for not having respect for the Mint employees. It prompted me to write about who I thought was the blame at the Mint.
Almost two weeks later, the Mint changes its return policy giving bogus reasons for not managing this situation correctly.
If Andy Brunhardt was hired to “fix” the operations of the US Mint, his performance has been much less than stellar and seems to be getting worse. I am just tired of harping on it.
Rather than comment here, I have written to my members of congress, Office of the Inspector General for the Department of the Treasury, and staff of the President of the United States. Hopefully, between those five people I hope to see progress.
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