Whitman canceled the November show in Baltimore because the city continues to use the convention center as a staging area for COVID-19 emergencies. Although the number of cases in the Baltimore area has decreased, city and state health officials warn of a spike that will require the use of the convention center.
Nearly every health expert, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) located in Atlanta, has issued warnings of a second wave combined with the seasonal flu will cause a significant public health risk. Rather than cancel the show, Whitman Expo manager Lori Kraft said that they are “working on an alternate show venue.”
This past week, the Virginia Numismatic Association (VNA) canceled its annual show scheduled for September. They hold their show in Fredericksburg, Virginia, about 50 miles south of Washington, D.C.
The Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists (PAN) hopes that the Monroeville Convention Center (outside of Pittsburgh) will be able to hold their Fall Show at the end of October. Currently, the venue is restricting events to those with 25 attendees or fewer.
States in the northeast continue to have restrictions similar to those in Pennsylvania. Going east to Illinois has similar issues.
If Whitman keeps the show on the east coast, the only place left for them is in Georgia, where they are located. As much as it pains this University of Georgia alumnus to admit, the fellow alum that sits in the state governor’s office has made Georgians’ health and safety a source of political tension.
The year is more than half-over, and the infection is getting worse. Virus hot spots have moved out of the northeast into states where health and safety have been politicized, including Georgia. Leaders are not listening to the medical community, and people are paying with their health and lives.
It is time to admit that 2020 is a lost year. It is time for everyone to adapt to what we have today and plan for the future. It is time for Whitman to cancel the Expo for 2020.
Plan now for a better future when it is (hopefully) safer.
Everyone please stay safe and healthy!
And now the news…

I don’t think that I have had a lost year. I have done some buying via the internet. You and I have had some great discussions via the internet.
There’s plenty of numismatics available. Only the shows are gone. The auctions are still functioning. Whitman, Wizard, and Kolbe and Fanning are still selling books and supplies via the internet. Many dealers have websites.
Want to socialize? Send an email to an old friend or call on the phone.
Only the shows are gone and I look at that on the bright side. So are the big bills for travel expenses.
I am out of time. Perhaps I will say more later.
Bob Graul