Alaska Governor Sarah Palin unveiled the design for the quarter that would represent Alaska as part of the 50 State Quarters® program. The design will feature a bear wading in a stream with a salmon in its mouth and the caption “The Great Land.” An addition design element is the star that will appear to the right of the state name acknowledging Alaska’s place as our northern most state.
Governor Palin will forward the design to the US Mint for inclusion in the program. Once called Seward’s Folley for Secretary of State William H. Seward Jr., who promoted the purchase in 1867. Alaska was seen as a frozen waste and too far from the mainland of the United States. Later, the abundance of natural resources, including petroleum, redeemed Seward from eternal scorn. Alaska entered the union in 1959 as the 49th state. Its quarter is scheduled to be issued during the summer of 2008.
Coin image from the Alaska Commemorative Coin Commission.