Late Thursday afternoon, the American Numismatic Association Board of Directors issued a statement in response to Larry Shepherd’s statement on his employment situation.
The problem is that the statement does not say anything of substance. It did say that Shepherd hired legal counsel who suggested that Shepherd was defamed. In response to that, the Board said that they made “an effort to avoid a rancorous, public discussion on personnel matters which are normally best left private.” If so, then why issue a statement?
The statement says that the Board “ended” their employment relationship with Shepherd yet seems to be concerned that Harlan Berk’s statement said Shepherd was fired. However, a person does not have to be a rocket scientist to know that after it was announced Shepherd was put on leave during an investigation and then his employment was “ended” to put the two events together to guess he was fired. In fact, my post on that day was “ANA Fires Shepherd.”
Again, this statement does not say anything of substance. But it appears that the Board feels they have to defend themselves. If the Board did not do anything wrong, what are they defending? Then to have Cliff Mishler, past president and current governor, make a statement, it makes them appear like they are trying to hide something.
What are the ANA Board of Governors hiding?
The ANA released their statement, Harlan Berk had his say, then Shepherd responded. Everyone vented and that should be enough. Why did the Board of Directors have to respond? What are they hiding?
The Board’s statement concludes:
If you do not want to “dwell on past mistakes,” then just SHUT UP!